All You Need To Know About Amazon VA

You’ve heard of an Amazon VA (Virtual Assistant). They’ve made huge waves in the virtual working world. All eCommerce sellers who hire them have made bigger revenues. They’re creating a positive impact in businesses and customer experience. And we can tell you with confidence, they’re here to stay.

Amazon VAs are here to stay. So, considering this new reality, you ought to know more about them in order to make informed decisions whether or not you should hire them and which one.

8 Amazon VA Facts:

8 Amazon VA facts

1.   A Remote Worker

An Amazon VA, like any other VA, works remotely, and usually, in a different timezone.

2.   Tasks

They can take on a multitude of tasks ranging from repetitive, time-consuming, highly technical, administrative, and operational ones.

3.   Trained in Various Amazon Areas

Amazon sellers can seek help with their PPC management, Listing Optimization, FBA, Wholesale, Inventory Management, and more.

4.   Specialized Skill Set

Need an expert copywriter, photo/video editor, PPC specialist, amazon account manager, executive assistant, or customer support representative? There’s an Amazon VA for each of that.

5.   Reliable and Tested

Most Amazon VAs are affiliated with an agency, so you don’t have to worry about their reliability and experience.

6.   Continuous Training

Considering the highly competitive hiring for Amazon VAs, they know they have to up their game by staying relevant and updated with new tools and processes to keep their positions.

7.   Trackable

In today’s high-tech world, there are already apps that can track the activities of your Amazon VA in real time.

8.   Pay Only For What You Need

Most Amazon VAs are paid by the hour or per project, so you’ll get your money’s worth.

Business Opportunities From Hiring An Amazon VA

If you have big goals for your business, it’s essential to utilize every opportunity that comes your way. Now the next question is, how do you get a hold of opportunities? A timely and practical answer would be to hire an Amazon VA.

Here are some of the most beneficial opportunities that business owners get from hiring an Amazon VA.

1. More Time for Executive Tasks

As you delegate a big bulk of your workload to your Amazon VAs, you then make room for more executive tasks—like the actual selling.

2. Adaptability

With the advent of technology, you can expect your Amazon VAs to be able to timely adapt to the updates and changes in relevant tools and processes in their line of work.

3. Increased Productivity

It’s not a rumor—hiring an Amazon VA actually increases productivity in your business. Who else can finish a task faster and more efficiently than someone trained to do it?

Increased productivity

4. Long-Term Engagement

Hiring an Amazon VA is not limited to a fixed term or project. You can make arrangements and trainings in order for your business and VA to grow together.

5. Scalability

Once you’ve sought professional assistance from the experts themselves (Amazon VAs for that matter), you’ll soon see significant improvements in your operations and revenues, which ultimately scales your business faster.


You don’t want to get left behind in this fast-changing world of eCommerce. If you want your Amazon business to thrive, you better adapt with the new trends in the market, including human resources. So, if you think an Amazon VA can help you reach your goals faster, learn where and how you can get them.