How to Become an Amazon VA: Master These 6 Skills and You’re Set

Becoming an Amazon Virtual Assistant (VA) is one of the most in-demand jobs today, and we have the rapid expansion of eCommerce to thank for it. With Amazon consistently leading the markets, it’s no surprise that the population of Amazon sellers increases over time. And with the tightening competition among them, hiring an Amazon VA is more of a must than an option—hence, an open invitation for you to become one.

What is an Amazon VA?

In the simplest terms, an Amazon VA:

  • is a remote worker
  • is trained in the Amazon platform
  • has sufficient eCommerce experience
  • focuses on a specialized niche
  • can work on flexible hours
  • can be paid hourly, per project, or monthly
  • can be a plug-and-play member of your team

What Skills You Need to Be a VA

It is worth noting that just because Amazon VAs are in demand right now, it doesn’t mean anyone can already work as one. You have to possess or hone certain skills that match the needs of Amazon sellers. Some of the highly desirable skills are the following:

  1. Problem-Solving Skills

Dealing with the complex Amazon platform will require a great deal of analysis. You have to know what caused the issue and be prompt in resolving it, knowing fully well that every second your store is in trouble is a possible sales loss. 

  1. Time Management

Every e-commerce business is demanding—and working at a buzzing marketplace like Amazon will mean always catching up to or even outrunning your competitors. As the store operates 24/7, you must ensure you deliver your tasks on time.

  1. Good Communication

Whether you’re assigned to face customers or required to work more behind the scenes with the team, as an Amazon VA, having good communication skills is a must. It is even more crucial to consider the possible language barrier and time zone difference between you, your customers, and your workmates.

  1. Relevant Tech-Based Tools

Being in the highly advanced digital age and precisely because you’re working in the eCommerce industry, you’ll find more opportunities as an Amazon VA if you are skilled with the relevant tech-based tools used for the job. These include the following and more:

  • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools
  • PPC tools
  • Calendar Management tools
  • Productivity Management tools
  • Creativity tools
  • CRM Management tools
  • Spreadsheet tools
  • Word Processing programs

  1. Product Management

Product management is an important skill for every Amazon VA, mainly because everything in the Amazon business starts and ends with the seller’s product. Knowing the lifecycle of a product—from brainstorming to sourcing, selling, and handling returns/refunds—will ultimately guide you in doing your assigned tasks efficiently.

  1. Customer Service Management

Customers are the lifeblood of every business. So it’s only fitting that Amazon VAs who are truly committed to helping a business grow should handle customer feedback, inquiries, and interactions as professionally and politely as possible.

Hiring an amazon va

Responsibilities You Can Assign to a VA

Hiring an Amazon VA means delegating tasks that are equally important to executive tasks handled by sellers themselves but are better off entrusted to the professionals. Here are some responsibilities you can assign to a VA:

  • Product sourcing
  • Competitor research
  • Product listings
  • Inventory tracking
  • Customer service
  • Handling refunds & open cases
  • Creating Chatbots using ManyChat

How to Become an Amazon VA

Becoming an Amazon VA is more accessible and easier than you think. As long as you have the grit to undergo training and the commitment to hone the skills mentioned above, you’re all set to becoming an Amazon VA. Be sure to connect with the right agencies, and you’ll even grow your skill set more.

How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Your Amazon Store

It’s hard to screen applicants, especially if you have no way to confirm their credibility. So, hiring from well-established and reputable agencies like VAA Philippines, which specializes in providing Amazon VA services, is both practical and strategic. It prioritizes the sellers’ welfare above all else which is why you can avail of their free consultation with their CEO himself to know what areas of your business you need most help with and which VA services will be most advantageous to you.