Do you make sure to read on a regular basis what clients write about your competition?
Probably not…if you are serious folks, than you most likely have invested an hour or two going over your competitors pages before you made a decision to launch a product that will compete with theirs.
So why is it important to me to go over my competitions reviews?
1. Obtaining real information about the advantages and dis-advantages of competing produces. How can you create a better produce than your competitors if you don’t know what is bothering their clients, and what they are missing?
2. Getting new ideas on how to use your produces. It can help you better understand your target audience, and improve both your produce, and your selling page.
3. Extracting key words from the reviews. You’ll be surprised, but the strongest key words actually come from the reviews.
Why? Because unlike the selling page itself that has been written by a copywriter that may have never even used your product, in the reviews you can read exactly when and how your clients used it. Take these ideas and add these key words to your campaigns in order to reach even more clientele that you may not have thought of before.
Make sure that your VA dedicates at least two hours a week to going over your competitors pages. Each week, different ones. She will take all of this information and summarizing it for you in a report, detailing the information and saving you so much time that you probably wouldn’t have invested in the first place…
A seller that doesn’t know what his competitions clients are thinking, will never be able to transfer them to him.
the competition on amazon marketplace is very fears, you can be more successful by using one of our amazon experts.
Is your VA already tracking your competition for you? Would you like us to strengthen the knowledge about it, and guide her? If so, PM us and we will get straight to work.
Good luck!